Stonemasons Kent

Stonemasons Kent

Stonemasonry Kent is the craft of shaping rough pieces of rock into accurate geometrical shapes.

Stonemasons Kent covering Maidstone, Canterbury, Bromley, Rochester, Margate, Folkestone, Dover, Greenwich and Ashford.

Our stonemasons Kent are highly trained and backed up by workshop and classroom based programs to ensure high quality finish for our clients.

We carry out most work at our site on Ham Hill however we do work on-site as well. Works from latest contemporary design to painstaking restoration masonry work are all catered for.

The work we do here at Harvey Stone:

  • Quarrymen split the rock, and extract the resulting blocks of stone from the ground.
  • Sawyers cut these rough blocks into cubes, to required size with diamond-tipped saws.
  • Banker masons are workshop-based, and specialize in carving stones into intricate geometrical shapes required by our clients.
  • Carvers work with the stone to create beautiful designs.
  • Fixer masons specialise in the fixing of stones onto buildings.

Please contact us with more information about your project and we will be glad to provide a FREE no obligation quote.

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Harvey Stone

Ham Hill Masonry Works, Ham Hill, Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset, TA14 6RW